Monday, 21 October 2013

Nominated for the Liebster award!

I was nominated for the Liebster award by HeyIKnowThatGrace, which was completed unexpected and amazing! The Liebster Blog Award is an award for blogs with under 200 followers, and apparently  Liebster is German for “beloved” and a blog nominated for this award is “worth watching”.

~ The Rules ~

  • 1. Recognize the nominator(s).

  • 2. Nominate 10 other new bloggers.

  • 3. Answer the 10 questions that the nominator asked you.

  • 4. Create your own 10 questions.

  • 5. Let the nominees know you’ve nominated them.

My answers :)

1. What's your favorite lip colour for autumn?

It might be a sin of beauty but I like bright pinks and oranges all year round.

2. Favorite candle?

I don't really buy candles - I smell them and love and appreciate them in store but I find it hard to buy something that's $40 when all I'm going to be doing with it is.. destroying it. In saying that I like to sniff the candles at Dusk and my favourite is the Mint Mocha Chocolate one but I think it's been discontinued for the summer but I think it will probably come back.

3. What’s your ‘Holy Grail’ skincare product for Autumn/Winter?

Nivea lip balm in Soft Rose. I don't have a lot of skincare products because my skin isn't usually dry or oily it's just normal. I find that less is more for my skin so I just love lip balm because I do get chapped lips in winter.

4. Favorite snack/comfort food?

It really depends. I've been addicted to Mochas lately but I don't know if that counts as food?

5. What is one high end product that you would love to have?

Any Chanel foundation probably.

6. What is your signature hairstyle?

Just out or in a ponytail.

7. Go-to autumn accessory?

I don't have a lot of jewellery because I've never really been a big fan but I do have a very bracelets so those I guess.

8. Halloween costume?

I live in Australia and I don't celebrate Halloween. I had a bad experience as a kid. My friends and I knocked on the door and said 'Trick or Treat' as you do.. and the lady screams "WE DON'T CELEBRATE HALLOWEEN HERE" "WHERE THE FUCK ARE YOUR PARENTS?" and then she went into her kitchen and it sounded like she was getting a knife... so we kinda just ran.

9. Why did you start blogging?

I've always loved writing and I wanted to start writing about make up so I thought why not?

10. Favorite time of year?

Winter. Definitely. I was a winter baby born in Auckland and I can't handle the heat very well.

My questions:
(I'm bad at thinking of questions)

  1. What is your favourite drug-store product?

  2. What is your favourite high-end product?

  3. If you had to choose one would it be Mascara or Eyeliner?

  4. Maybelline or Covergirl?

  5. Is there a drugstore version of a highend product that you think is better?

  6. What is your favourite skincare product?

  7. Do you wear different foundation during the summer?

  8. Are you a fan of BB creams?

  9. Who do you think does the best eyeshadows?

  10. Liquid or pencil liner?

Who I'm tagging (I haven't been blogging for very long so I don't know how  many people I can tag but I'll try.)





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